C-3PO is one of those Star Wars characters who has appeared in every film in the original, prequel, and sequel trilogy. The gold-plated protocol droid provides much needed comic relief to these action-filled films. C-3PO is fluent in millions of languages, customs, and etiquette. Along with R2-D2, these droids are vital to the plot of the movies, performing crucial roles in furthering the story.

Moving from the hands of Anakin Skywalker to Luke Skywalker and then to Leia, C-3PO has been of service to many and provided audiences with a funny droid who is incredibly intelligent and oblivious at the same time. Here are some of the instances from the original trilogy where this becomes evident.

10 "I'm Going To Regret This"

Viewers are introduced to C-3PO in A New Hope and one of the first things viewers get to observe is how much of a coward C-3PO is when compared to the more daring R2-D2. When Leia gives R2 a message to deliver, R2 makes a valiant effort to escape in order to deliver the message promptly.

In following R2, C-3PO is constantly fretting that they should be escaping. And when R2 gets into a pod to leave, C-3PO reluctantly follows him saying the above quote.

9 "Sometimes, I Just Don't Understand Human Behavior"

C-3PO Millennium Falcon

C-3PO repeatedly tries to tell Han that the hyperdrive is not functioning. But Han refuses to pay attention. C-3PO has a very nagging manner that displeases most people, and especially Han.

So when he again calls attention to the obvious, which is the difficult and troubling situation they are in, Han calls him "the professor" and asks Chewie to take him to figure out the hyperdrive. C-3PO mutters this quote as he is pushed out and it is quite comical to hear him say it.

8 "I'm Not Supposed To Know A Power Socket From A Computer Terminal"

"Well, don't blame me. I'm an interpreter. I'm not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal."

When R2 gets shocked after inserting himself into a power socket, C-3PO says this as a reply of sorts to R2 who seems to be complaining. It's quite cute to watch these non-human droids be this way, and this moment is especially hilarious because it seems to be a moment of self-awareness in this soap opera.

Even droids make stupid mistakes, they are not infallible. And the mistake C-3PO makes here is such an amusingly stupid one as well.

7 "R2, This Is No Time For Heroics"


The dynamic between R2-D2 and C-3Po is quite complementary in nature. They are quite opposite in nature and character and hence work well in making sure the other survives.

While R2 is more courageous and adventures, C-3PO is terrified of everything and is willing to give up at any given moment. But R2's carelessness is compensated by C-3PO's excessive nagging, and C-3PO's insane cowardice is compensated by R2 heroics. Here, even in the middle of high stakes situation, R2 seems to be going to help. And even though C-3PO shouts this out loud, he still follows R2.

6 "I Thought That Hairy Beast Would Be The End Of Me"

Chewbacca Wookiee

C-3PO spends a lot of The Empire Strikes Back in pieces. He's dragged around by Chewie the Wookie and it's truly an uncomfortable situation for C-3PO in this movie. But that doesn't make it less fun for the viewers.

Watching C-3PO being dragged around by this huge Wookie and have them both communicate with each other is hilarious. And so when C-3PO confides this to his friend R2, it becomes even more comical.

5 "R2, I Have A Bad Feeling About This"

R2-D2-and-C-3PO on Tatooine

One of the most iconic lines in the Star Wars franchise, everyone has had a turn at saying this line. In Return Of The Jedi, it is C-3PO who says this iconic quote to R2-D2. Everyone adds their own flavor to this quote. When Han Solo says it, viewers know the sarcasm with which he is saying it.

When C-3PO says it, viewers know that he is truly terrified of what is to come, and that makes it all the more funnier.

4 "Well, At Least You're Still In One Piece"

This is one of those quotes that again remind viewers that C-3PO is indeed made of metal and wires. C-3PO speaks like humans and is extremely funny and is a necessary character in the franchise.

But at the end of the day, it is possible for him to be in pieces and still communicate and even fix himself. The whole situation and C-3PO's cribbing about him being in pieces is quite funny.

3 "It's Against My My Programming To Impersonate A Diety"

Ewoks in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

In Return Of The Jedi, the Ewoks take C-3PO to be a kind of God. C-3PO with his golden body and ability to communicate with them in their language, gives the Ewoks the impression that he is a superior being.

So when Han and Luke are getting attacked by the Ewoks, they ask C-3PO to use this to his advantage and asks him to tell the Ewoks to stop attacking them. C-3PO, without a trace of irony or sarcasm says that he shouldn't be doing that. The immense power he has versus this unique problem he faces makes for one of the funniest moments in the movie.

2 "R2-D2, You Know Better Than To Trust A Strange Computer"


As mentioned earlier, the relationship between these two droids is quite cute. It varies from a mutual camaraderie to a sort of sibling-like or even paternal concern. C-3PO here especially, seems to chide R2-D2 in a very paternal manner saying that he should have known better.

It's quite amusing how normal human relationships are transposed on to these droids here.

1 "Here We Go Again"

In as much as C-3PO seems to dislike dangerous situations and adventures, he seems to find himself in exactly those kinds of situations all the time. So it's quite funny when C-3PO says "here we go again" to R2-D2 because they do indeed seem to go through the same kinds of troubles over and over again.

It's emblematic of the Star Wars universe that one adventure just follows another and there is really no stopping them.

NEXT: 10 Plot Devices Star Wars Can't Seem To Quit