Anime Characters Dejected Drawing on Ground

A lot of the time in anime AND in real life, girls with shorter hair are seen as tomboys or "not" as feminine. Let alone sexy or attractive.

But who's to say short hair isn't attractive in anime or otherwise?

These anime girls, whether popular or not, are worth mentioning for different reasons.

Personality, attraction, design, likability – anime girls with short hair share some of these traits (in this post).

Let's get to it.

1. Shinobu Kochou (Demon Slayer)

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Shinobu from the 2019 anime: Demon Slayer is an anime girl with short hair. She keeps it tied with a butterfly accessory.

The "butterfly" image is a theme that represents Shinobu's character. She's known to be gentle, swift, and the way she man-oeuvres in battle is kinda like a butterfly.

You first get to see this when Shinobu appears to save Zenitsu from dying.

zenitsu and shinobu

Though gentle on the outside, Shinobu has an underlying dark side to her personality that she keeps hidden away.

2. Ram And Rem (Re:Zero)

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Ram and Rem are twin demon sisters in the Re:Zero series. Everything they do is in unison.

The way they dress, do their hair, act and communicate is always in sync. At least for the most part. But the one thing that keeps them similar is their short hairstyle.

rem and ram gif cute

Only in depictions of anime art are Rem or Ram seen with long hair. But in the official anime and light novels? It's short hair all the way.

Rem is the quiet, more reserved sister (blue hair). And Ram is more confident and prideful as the older sister.

Related:5 Unique Differences Between Rem And Ram From ReZero

3. Hina (Hinamatsuri)

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Hina from Hinamatsuri is the protagonist of this slice of life series. She's aloof, reserved, and too cool calm and collected to care about "trivial" things.

If Hina's not interested in something or someone, she'll express it through her actions by NOT saying a thing.

Or straight up ignoring you.

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Hina's young compared to others on this list, but she's a lot smarter than she looks when it counts.

Her most attractive trait is how straightforward she is. Sometimes she has the tendency to be absent minded though.

4. Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)

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Rukia Kuchiki is a classic example of an anime girl with short hair. She's been this way since the beginning of Bleach. And this never changes throughout all 300+ episodes.

Rukia can come off as a tomboy to some extent. And because of her personality, she's a strong female character with leadership qualities.

rukia kuchiki bleach anime

But Rukia does come with her insecurities that make her relatable regardless of gender.

She's not portrayed as a "sexual" character In Bleach, but to me she's one of the hotties of the Bleach series.

5. Mayaka Ibara (Hyouka)

mayaka ibara hyouka anime

Mayaka Ibara will tell you off and call you out on your bullsh*t before anyone else will. She's just that type of anime girl with short brown hair.

She's always the more serious, blunt and straightforward type of character in Hyouka. And that helps to balance out all the other 3 personalities.

Mayaka is generally a nice character in spite of how she comes across. And the anime wouldn't be the same without her involvement.

6. Bulma (Dragon Ball Franchise)

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Bulma's gone through a lot of hair changes in the anime series. Especially in the first season of Dragon Ball.

In general – Bulma likes to go with a "short" hairstyle in DBZ.

This carries over into the Dragon Ball Super anime as well, where she's seen with short blue hair from start to finish.

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One thing I love about Bulma is how unique and different she is to MOST female anime characters.

You can't copy and paste Bulma into another anime and expect to get the same quality. Original characters are like that, and Bulma is no exception.

She's a character with brains and beauty, and the plot in DBZ wouldn't be possible without her involvement either.

7. Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)

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Sayaka Miki's the kinda character who comes across as awkward but jolly and outgoing all at the same time. It depends on the situation.

Similar to Homura Akemi, Sayaka Miki plays a big role in the anime's plot because of how dark it turns out. Making her one of the most prominent magical girls with a memorable personality.

8. Lisbeth (Sword Art Online)

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Lisbeth is the pink haired girl from SAO season 1. And she's been part of the story ever since the beginning as a side character.

Even though she doesn't play a strong role in the anime when it comes to battles and the serious stuff, she adds to the comedy aspects of SAO and chilled out moments.

lisbeth sao brown hair

Lisbeth never has her hair long in the anime, not even in her "human" form in the real world outside of SAO.

She's a cheerful character who tends to brighten up the atmosphere.

Related:The Happiest Anime Characters Who Will Put A BIG Smile On Your Face

9. Seishirou Tsugumi (Nisekoi)

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Seishirou Tsugumi is kinda like Rukia Kuchiki for her "tomboy-ish" persona and the way she comes across. Smartly dressed, on point, and well put together is the style she goes for.

But underneath all the "up tight" attitude and the image of perfection is a character who's shyer and more insecure than she looks.

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Out of all the girls in Nisekoi, Tsugumi probably has the shortest hair.

This style never changes throughout season 1 and season 2 of Nisekoi.

10. Saber (Fate Series)

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Saber is the definition of pride and a woman who's elegant. Or "prim and proper" as we say in the UK.

Saber is based on King Arthur, a British figure. Except she's a female version.

She never lets her hair hang out because she spends her time training, fighting, and polishing her skills. Always hard at work and never wanting to slack off or sit around wasting time.

saber armor fate

That's what makes Saber one of the best female protagonists.

She's not just a strong character with conviction, she's still "feminine" and there are no pointless aspects to her role in the Fate series.

11. Mash Kyrielight (Fate Grand Order)

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Mash Kyrielight is known for always keeping her hair short. In fact this is what makes Mash Kyrielight so distinctive as a character.

She's unique among the Fate characters for being in the Fate Grand Order universe, which is a video game on mobile.

Mash Kyrielight is a little like Yuuki Konno for her outgoing personality (and voice in the dub).

12. Najenda (Akame Ga Kill)

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Najenda is the OG in Akame Ga Kill who runs the assassination group:Night Raidto overthrow the government and end corruption.

If you've ever met a girl who's not willing to compromise and doesn't need to be told "what" to do, then you'll familiar with Najenda's personality.

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Similar to some characters on this list, she's the tomboy type. Even to a stronger degree than your average anime character.

She's an underrated character when it comes to leadership and her intelligence.

13. Iris Cannary (Violet Evergarden)

iris cannary sad face

Iris Cannary is a beautiful female character with tanned skin and a little taller than the average female in anime.

She's straightforward and isn't afraid to speak her mind or toot her own horn. That's her self-confidence speaking though so it's nothing close to arrogance.

iris cannary violet evergarden beautiful

Iris Cannary is one of the "customers" in Violet Evergarden who's caught up in the story.

She grows from the experience. Adding to the emotional moments of Violet Evergarden.

14. Shirayuki (Snow White With The Red Hair)

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Shirayuki, or "snow-white with red hair" is one of the few red haired anime characters with short hair. Besides Yona from Yona Of The Dawn.

Shirayuki is wiser than most people twice her age, and works harder than most would believe based on her physical appearance.

One of my favorite quotes from Shirayuki (which we can relate to) is this:

"If you're helping someone and expecting something in return, you're doing business not kindness." – Shirayuki

15. Mei Misaki (Another)

mei misaki eye patch

Mei Misaki is a closed off, introverted character who spends time by herself. And doesn't associate herself with too many people in school.

It's not because Mei Misaki's not interested in other people, but more because of her experiences thatpushher to act this way.

The cold-ish, aloof personality fits with the dark plot of Another. Because it's a reflection of how Mei feels and behaves. To a degree.

16. Tamaki Kowazoe (Bamboo Blade)

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Tamiki Kowazoe is one of the youngest characters in the group of Bamboo Blade. And one of the mosttalentedfighters who practice Kendo.

Tamiki has practiced Kendo for a large part of her life, so it goes without saying that her hard work surprises the competition.

tamaki bamboo blade

Kendo is the one sport Tamiki thrives in. And almost no one can challenge her in a match.

But in the game of life? She's anxious, quiet, reserved and has trouble in social situations.

Her short hair (and height) confuses people, making them assume she's a boy.

17. Miwa Yamamura (Barakamon)

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Miwa Yamamura loves to tease other people when she knows she'll get away with it.

Underneath the jolly attitude and always smiling personality, Miwa's just a curious person who doesn't take things too seriously.

miwa barakamon anime

Miwa's the one character in Barakamon that lights up every episode she's part of. And that's regardless of how chilled and relaxed Barakamon is as an anime.

18. Hanayo Koizumi (Love Live School Idol Project)

hanayo love live

Hanayo Koizumi, similar to Tamaki Kowazoe, is a shy character who'd collapse if she's forced to socialize in BIG groups of people.

She's not built for that as a hardcore introvert, and it doesn't help that she'snottoo confident in herself.

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But Hanayo is supportive of her friends, this is the side of Hanayo that brightens up when it comes to supporting other people.

And when she's passionate about something she gets "lost" in the topic so much she only realizes afterthe fact.

Similar to Deku from MHA,

Related:13 Love Live School Idol Project Quotes That Deserve To Be Shared

19. Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia)

ochako uraraka in love mha

Ochako Uraraka is another shorted haired anime girl, this time from My Hero Academia.And she's one of the reasons My Hero Academiashinesas a Shounen series.

In a weird way she's like a different shade of Deku, or another version of Deku in a parallel universe.

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Ochako is shy and not the mostconfidentcharacter in the beginning. Insecurities hold her back, but her conviction and self-awareness for her life goals and what she wants is what drives Ochako's character.

She's ambitious and there's a lot to learn from her journey so far in MHA.

Related:The 34 Most Meaningful Anime Quotes From My Hero Academia

20. Kyoka Jiro (My Hero Academia)

kyoka my hero academia

Kyoka Jiro's one of the most memorable support characters in My Hero Academia. She looksdifferent compared to other characters, and her special ability is related to sound and hearing.

If you've watched Bleach Kyoka is kinda like a "nicer" version of Byakuya Kuchiki, but just as cool calm and collected. If not cooler.

kyoka jiro mha

When sh*t hits the fan, Kyoka takes on the challenge with a cool head and an observant mind.

There's nothing cliche about the way she's written as far as I can see it.

21. Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs)

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Yosano Akiko's the "crazy" character from Bungou Stray Dogs. But really, she's only seen as crazy because of her special ability:Thou Shalt Not Die.

It's an ability that gives her the power to heal herself and anyone who's on death's door. And the constant use of this ability haschangedher perspective.

It's this perspective that makes Yosano afearedcharacter, even if it's mostly for comedic value.

22. Rikka Takanashi (Chuunibyou)

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Rikka Takanashi is a representation of child's wild "imagination".

She lives in her own fantasy world where she has magical powers and fights with creatures from another world. And wears an eye patch to prove a point.

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Bu this is the point of Chuunibyou. It'll make you cringe at the comedy but somehow laugh at the same time. And the romance between Rikka and Yuta is what makes Chuunibyou a classic Kyoani series.

Rikka is relatable in her own little, weird kind of way.

23. Saya Sasamiya (Asterisk War)

saya sasamiya sad

Saya Sasamiya is the lazy eyed, laid back anime girl from Asterisk War. And the best friend ofAyato Amagiri,the protagonist.

Saya's father is passionate about technology and spends a lot of his time creating tech. And that's where Saya's interest comes from.

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In the anime she uses guns as her special weapon in tournaments.

Her father is the main motivation for taking part in the first place.

24. Hotaru Shidare (Dagashi Kashi)

hotaru shidare

Hotaru Shidare is a business woman even though you don't get to see this side of her in Dagashi Kashi. She part-runs a company that sells Dagashi (cheap Japanese sweets) in the anime series.

Besides her short hairstyle, Hotaru has piercing eyes and unique drawings that make her different to the average anime girl in 2019.

25. Ichigo (Darling In The Franxx)

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Ichigo. Who wouldn't know this girl from Darling In The Franxx, right?

She's the main reason there was so much controversy and outrage in the anime back in 2018 after all.

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Of course – this outrage was in the USA where SJW'S are common (people who don't care about anime but love to point fingers).

Ichigo's not a bad character in Darling In The Franxx. But the more you get into the anime, the best aspects start to wash away a little.

Even still – she's as dependable as Erza Scarlet, and she still stands out when all is said and done.

Related:How Darling In The Franxx Broke My Heart And Betrayed My Trust

26. Phos (Land Of The Lustrous)

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Phos is the main character that everyone in the anime seems to hate. Mostly because she's a rebel who rides to her own beat and won't bow down to the rules.

Plus Phos is "different" and isn't afraid of shouting her differences at the top of her voice.

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Of all the anime girls on this list, Phos has a design and detail other anime girls don't have. Aesthetically she's awork of artand there's no direct comparison for how she's designed.

Related:11 Of The Most Unique Female Anime Character Designs

27. Akane Tsunemori (Psycho Pass)

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Akane Tsunemori is the mature rookie police officer in Psycho Pass. The type of person who's loyal to the rules, but isn't afraid to bend or break them if it challenges her morals and beliefs.

She's not selfish, narrow-minded or a victim of "old thinking" when it comes to her job. And that's what makes her role a necessity to Psycho Pass's plot.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Megumi Noda (Nodame Cantabile).
  • Maki Midorikawa (Sakura Quest).
  • Alice Nakiri (Food Wars).
  • Kana Makino (Tamako Market).
  • Shiki Ryougi (The Garden Of Sinners).
  • Yui Hirasawa (K-On).
  • Nana Osaki (Nana).
  • Yuigahama (Oregairu).


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